Along the Frome
Snuff Mills
The mill was not always known by this name, at one time it was called
Whitwood Mills. There is no evidence of it ever being used to grind snuff,
though records show that it was used for corn. You can still see the last
water wheel ever used. In its last years, it was steam powered. A very
curious boiler was used, it was double egg ended, one of only three in the
country. You can also see a large millstone, a smaller grindstone and
various millstone fragments. Just beyond the mill, you can see the weir. The
original sluice is still in action. Note the sheer overgrown quarry faces as
you walk along.
Halfpenny Bridge
Another mill, belonging to Snuffly Jack was situated at the
approach to this bridge. The particular mill.
Kynge's Mill Weir
This weir is quite a dramatic feature. The mill stood on the opposite
bank of the river. Nothing remains but a millstone next to the river just
below this point. The mill was closely connected with Oldbury Court Estate.
A little further along, a rather exotic looking bamboo plantation can be
seen on the far side of the river. The path crosses the stream here, and the
path which follows it to the river leads back to Oldbury Court Estate.
Further on, the river forks, encircling an island.
If you look over to the far bank of the river, you may see a stream known as the
Begbrook flowing to meet it.
Oldbury Court
This is a pleasant diversion. To take it, follow the path that leads off
to the right. It will take you to a small arboretum where the visitor can
enjoy the many beautiful conifers and flowering shrubs. The autumn colours
are particularly worth a visit. Oldbury Court itself no longer exists. It
occupied the site of the hunting lodge belonging to Kingswood Chase. It was
occupied by the Powell family who were renowned for their altruism.
In 1770, when food was scarce, they arranged for corn to be ground at the
mills. This corn was then made available to the poor at affordable
prices. Bristol Corporation acquired the estate from Mr. H C Vassall in
1937. The grounds were laid out as a public park (Vassall's Park) and the
Court was eventually demolished.
Frenchay Weir
is a corruption of 'Fromeshaw' (small wood by the Frome). A community of
millers and quarrymen in the 17th and 18th centuries lived there. Note how
the river narrows and hurries as you approach the weir. The path, too,
changes, becoming rougher and rising up steps to ascend a steep bank.
Frenchay Mill stood nearby. Its final dispatch of corn was ground in 1905,
and the building was eventually demolished in 1958. A building with arches
can be seen on the far side of the river. This was probably a stable.
Frenchay Lower Weir
Over the past 200 years, this mill has been used for a variety of
activities. Iron farm tools have been produced here and the building was
also used for grinding and file cutting. At one time, wool flock and cotton
waste were brought here for preparation as furniture stuffing. More
recently, it has been a site for light engineering.
The Grove
Edwards Higgins, a well known Highwayman, made this his residence in
1763 after his return from America, where he had been sent as a punishment
for his crimes. He was accepted in the higher circles of Bristolian society
for a while. However, he was still a guilty man and despite attempts to
forge a reprieve, he was eventually executed in Carmarthenshire
Cleeve Bridge
This is not the original bridge. If you look beneath the existing
stonework, you can see an arch which may have formed part of the medieval
Cleeve Mill
This was originally a grist mill, parts of it dating back to the 15
century. It later became an iron age forge and specialised in agricultural
tools. Many of these tools were exported to the colonies.
This is now managed as a Nature Reserve by the Local Council.
Hambrook Grove
This mansion was built in the 18th century. Paths threaded through its
landscaped grounds and an elegant bridge spanned the river. Sadly the bridge
was destroyed recently. Only the buttresses remain and can be found just to
the south of the M4.
The Pound
When you reach Rock Cottage, note a public footpath marked by a gate
post made from stone. This path once led into a stone pound, where stray
animals were kept till their owners could collect them.
This very old building is now an overgrown ruin. Part of the mill race
is still visible from the adjacent bridge.
Hambrook Farm
This was originally two cottages. Neighbouring Faber Farm is much older,
the newer wing was built in 1698 by Bess and Tom Bailey, and the original
building may have been constructed a century earlier. This farm and much of
Hambrook were originally owned by Mr. Muir who lived at the Grove. The road
was the original coaching route between Bristol and Gloucester.
A place where the three parishes joined, Stoke Gifford, Winterbourne and
Frenchay. On the original map, the boundary fines were not quite accurate.
1f this is not in any of the other parishes, it must be nowhere; was
the quote. Future maps were drawn correctly, but the name stuck.
St Michael's Church
St Michael's Church, Stoke Gifford: the early church records from 1508
were kept in the vestry and are now in the safe hands of Bristol City
Archives. The square font under St Michael's window may be Norman. The 10
commandments are on the west wall.
© Stoke Gifford Parish Council